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Rozhen Observatory Bulgaria

Strong existing ties with the Bulgarian National Observatory at Rozhen are being further strengthened and a joint venture is already being discussed.  


We currently looking to further develop relationships with UK Academic Institutions to augment our relationships with the UK Astronomy Societies.

Founder David Hollands at Rozhen Observatory.
Agreements and Colaboration offers an exating opportinity for all Sky Village Founders, Ambassadors and Visitors.

Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


Dear Mr Hollands


We are pleased to express our interest in the future collaboration together with your organisation to develop a funding program and structure ways in which to attract foreign interest, investment and visitors to your organisation.


It is in our interest to collaborate with your organisation to help develop Education of the Sciences and particular to that of astronomy and its related subjects that will be emraced by your project and work in our country.


Yours sincerely


Tanyu Bonev


Institute of Astronomy and

National Astronomical Observatory

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


Extract from letter dated December 2015

To discuss how your organisation can collaborate with Sky Village, please contact us.


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