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About us

WHY... we believe in pioneering rural re-introduction.
We believe something is missing... therefore we are building a foundation for an economically sound countryside respectful re-connection.
By creating `5 Seasons villages`, hamlets, specialist activity engegement venues, treestyle education centres, and more...
What we are doing is...
Believing in a prosperous countryside future trend that brings people back to the countryside keeping them there with a purpose, creating active communities once again.

HOW... we work with you, the landowner.
Planning together to create your estate development by partnering with local, regional and national experts and identifying niche market business models and customers that suit your legacy plans.
We are NOT in the...
Rural tourism business per say, we are in the business of tourism with a cause, with a purpose. Bringing the people through `education and engagement` back into the community. The making of a new trend...

WHAT...we do to create, build and operate.
Design and build your NEW rural enterprise. Connect with specialist coutryside services. Identify, contact and
orginise your visiting customers.
Identifying paying clients...
Connecting with your target audiences who share the principles of a sustainable economic community and wish to be part of this new education and engagement trend.

WHO...we work with.
We work with, among others, market research data specialists searching for your ideal customers and visitors in collaboration with specialized event, education and activity services. Respected partners with common beliefs and purpose.
Attracting your clients...
We find the clients who are the people who want to economically support you and your community.

Contact us for more information

In everything we do, we believe in thinking differently.
Our belief is in creating sustainable 'New Generation' rural engagement
and economic business models for landowners.
Everything we do is designed with a PURPOSE, to provide economic PROSPERITY for PERPETUITY.
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