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Plant Farm Science Centre

Nature Village

Plant Farm Science Centre

The buildings will be designed to cater for the family during summer months and work for specific interest groups in the winter. 


Correctly designed accommodation for private uses as well as dormitory style group accommodation

will support the diversity of the village and broaden, without diluting, its unique recipe.


Clear access and growing without obstructions is also key to the location and positioning of each property.


Long term objectives will be to create a village centre where its discoveries are recorded and respected from around the world

giving it a unique positioning for Herb Village in the MAP market place.



32 minimal impact dwellings,

plant research/education.

Sustainable Farming and Conservation.

Climate change role model.

Contact us for more information 

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Unique construction methods energy efficient.

Affordable countryside property.

In everything we do, we believe in thinking differently. 

Our belief is in creating sustainable 'New Generation' rural engagement 

and economic business models for landowners.



Everything we do is designed with a PURPOSE, to provide economic PROSPERITY for PERPETUITY.


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Above & Beyond Normal Ltd   

Tel: +(0) 7930 276122   E-mail:



© 2014 by Above & Beyond Normal Ltd. 

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