A sense of community is right at the very heart of the Sky Village concept.
We’re not just talking about a community of owners, or one of holiday-makers – not even a community of researchers, though undoubtedly all three will come,
and co-exist in a unique way here at Sky Village BG.
Sky Village is also about opening the skies to the community. As a result, the main areas of Sky Village are open to the public,
and the local community are welcome to participate in all our events.
We’re also setting up a generous programme of philanthropy to enable community groups to participate even if they
wouldn’t normally have the means to travel and stay at the village.
This programme will include outreach to schools and universities, as well as a number of other groups for whom
astronomy and space education and inspiration can make a real difference.
If you have something, or someone, to bring to Sky Village, please contact us to get involved.
To become part of our community or join us as a partner organisation, please contact us.